
Born in Bremen in 1986 and grew up in a district town in Lower Saxony, I completed my vocational training as a media designer after my school and completed it in 2009. Then I studied photography at the University of Hanover from 2010 to 2017 in the photojournalism and documentary photography course.
Photographs arouse emotions, are timeless and can expand the viewer's awareness. No other modern medium manages to occupy our consciousness as much as photos. Without pictures, the memory remains without contours.
In the beginning, studying in Hanover was just another step in my professional development. But soon photography became an important part of my life. Immersing myself in hitherto unknown living environments, meeting people from different social classes and exploring social developments have fascinated me from the start. And it helped me develop my journalistic position.
In 2017 I finished my studies with the reportage »Bang, Bang in Poland« about the growth of militant nationalism in Poland. For this I previously received the »Gabriel Grüner« grant from the »Zeitenspiegel-Reportagen« agency in 2016. I was nominated by the STERN magazine in 2017 and 2018 for the young photography »STERN scholarship«. I have been working as a freelance photojournalist since 2011 and in 2016 I became a member of the VISUM photo agency. I completed my compulsory internship during my studies in 2013 at a local newspaper »Weser Kurier« in Bremen as a photographer and photo editor.
My photos have been published e.g.: STERN magazine, DER SPIEGEL, Weser Kurier, taz, Private Wealth, G / Geschichte, Bosch Zünder, Fluter.

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